Mensagem D. Aurélio Gazerra para ACN

Good afternoon, dear friends, I am Fr Aurelio. I have been a missionary in the Central African Republic for more than 30 years and I was recently appointed Bishop Coadjutor of Bangassou in the south-east of the country. The situation in the Central African Republic is still very unstable and there are many areas where the rebels continue to wreak havoc and dictate the law, bringing unrest and chaos. There is also a lot of economic and political instability and the education system is weak. But apart from these difficulties, it is also a country that is blessed with a Church that tries to bring hope, faith and love to all people. The country is also blessed with many vocations, many seminarians. The Holy Masses are well attended. The difficulties do not dampen people’s enthusiasm for listening to Jesus and being taught by Him. But there is still a lot of work to be done.
AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED has been supporting and accompanying the Church in the Central African Republic for many years. The needs are immense and the presence of this Pontifical Work is precious because it encourages us to continue our work through prayer, but also through the works: the work with the catechists, the seminarians, the schools and with everything that the Church does in this country with the imagination of love.
I ask you all to pray a lot for the Central African Republic, for the Church, for the people. More than half of the population is under 18 years old. Please continue to pray and support us. I pray for all of you, for each and every one of our listeners, for the benefactors of this great work “AID to the Church in Need”. May God bless you!

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